School Social Work
School social work at the Hans-Christian-Andersen-Schule has been taking place in cooperation with the YMCA Leipzig e.V. since September 2017.
The office of the school social work is located on the 1st floor (room 117) and is basically open for all children, teachers and parents who are looking for advice or need help. Here there is room for undisturbed conversation, working on one’s own skills, but also for games, group activities and recreation. Parent meetings by appointment please.
School social work is… … a voluntary offer for students, parents and teachers. It offers support and advice to students in the event of stress in everyday school life, conflicts among friends or family problems. It offers support and counseling for parents in educational issues and questions about school, as well as information and referral to extracurricular and continuing offers and assistance. …
Social learning
Through social learning in the classroom, social training in small groups and the implementation of topic-specific project days, we work specifically on the social skills and competencies of the students and thus actively promote peaceful coexistence in the school. …

School as a place to live – violence-free
Through various projects in the context of non-violent conflict resolution, students should be sensitized to solve their problems without violence. To this end, the children are offered various opportunities to achieve a harmonious coexistence despite the mixture of different cultures at this school.