HC Andersen Grundschule
Deutsch Menü

House rules

Public schools in Saxony have an educational mission to fulfill. Students and guardians contribute to the fulfillment of this mission. The school and house rules are based on the school law passed by the Saxon state parliament and regulate the coexistence at our school.

  • Happy

    House rules

    The house rules will be pasted in the homework booklet and signed by each child and the parents.


1. general

1.1. School attendance

Attendance at school is regulated on the basis of the School Act for the Free State of Saxony (SchulG), the School Regulations for Elementary Schools (SOGS), the School Attendance Regulations (SBO), and the Administrative Regulations for Truants – as amended.

Requests for time off from school in accordance with the School Attendance Policy require approval by the class director (up to 2 days) or principal (more than 2 days).

Laws and administrative regulations of the Saxon State Ministry of Education and Sports can be read in at the school secretary’s office or accessed at www.revosax.sachsen.de.

All students are required to attend classes and other mandatory school events punctually and regularly.

In cases of illness, the class teacher should be notified immediately through the school office no later than 8:30 a.m. on the first day of absence, stating the reason and expected duration. A written excuse from the parent/guardian must be received no later than the third day. Doctor’s visits can take place during class time only in exceptional cases (accident, sudden serious illness).

In case of absenteeism or sickness, please also remember to contact the school’s after-school care information (0341-234187030).

Notifiable infectious diseases and head lice must be reported immediately by the parents to the school and the after-school care center.

Start of lessons in the morning

At least 5 minutes before the start of the lesson, all students are in the classroom, put the work materials ready and prepare for the upcoming lesson.

Classes begin for all students when the bell rings for the hour. Children arriving late in exceptional cases or for good reason ring the bell at the main entrance and proceed immediately to the classroom after being admitted.

1.2. Accident reports

Pupil accidents that occur during lessons, after-school care or on the way to school and as a result of which a doctor is consulted must be reported no later than the following day. (Parents or guardians are asked to assist in filling out the registration forms).

2. house rules

The house rules cover the entire school area, i.e. school buildings and school grounds, and also apply to school events outside these areas (e.g. sports lessons, class walks) as well as after-school care events.

Students and after-school children are not allowed to leave the school area during school and after-school hours (the school and the after-school care center have a duty of care and supervision).

Exceptions: – E.g., necessary visits to a specialist approved by the class director after a timely written request from the parent or guardian (at least the day before).

Failure to comply may result in forfeiture of insurance coverage.

2.1. Instructions – also in compliance with the resulting authority of the school management (use of domiciliary rights)

The instructions of teachers, educators and technical staff are to be followed by all students. All students assist teachers and educators in the performance of their duties.

2.2. Break order

All students will conduct themselves in a manner that avoids endangering others and does not offend anyone. No student acts out violently!

The use of scissors, compasses and other pointed objects is prohibited during breaks.

During yard breaks, all students will leave the classrooms and hallways and stay in the designated open areas on the school grounds. To ensure that no child is injured, no stones, sticks, chestnuts, snowballs or other objects may be thrown.

All elementary students spend yard breaks outdoors. In case of inclement weather, everyone stays in the classroom. Considerate behavior is the basic principle.

2.3. Care of the school property

Outdoor facilities, buildings, equipment and materials of the school and the after-school care center are to be treated with care. Damage and irregularities are to be reported immediately to the class teacher, educator, janitor or the secretary’s office. Each class will maintain order when entering and leaving the rooms. The person who caused the damage can be held responsible.

Textbooks will be provided to students for use free of charge upon request. They shall be provided with a protective cover. Entries and underlining may not be made. In the event of loss or damage, the replacement cost shall be borne by the student.

2.4. Behavior in specialist rooms

In addition, separate rules of conduct apply in the subject classrooms, which are announced to the students by posting and instruction.
The subject classrooms may only be entered after permission has been granted by the subject teacher.

2.5. Use of sports facilities

All students are regularly instructed by the physical education teachers at the beginning of the outdoor season about the rules of use issued by the owner of the facilities.

2.6. Office hours of the secretariat

Mondays – Fridays from 8.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m. with the exception of urgent matters, in which case information is posted on the door.

3. health protection, order and safety

Windows, except tilt windows, remain closed during breaks. The respective teacher is responsible for ensuring sufficient fresh air in the rooms.

Eating and eating gum are not permitted during class. Drinking is allowed if needed.

Students are not permitted to park their bicycles on school property. The school assumes no liability for theft or damage. Thefts and damages are to be reported to the police and also to the secretary’s office.

School doors are to be kept closed by teachers and students outside of teacher secured time before classes and during breaks.

It is not allowed to sit on the window sills or radiators. Games and other actions that may cause damage to persons or property are to be refrained from.

As a matter of principle, students must turn off cell phones on school grounds and keep them in their satchels or pockets.

The making of (stored) image and sound recordings are generally prohibited.

Other portable electronic media must also be kept in the school bag during class and after-school hours. Exceptions are regulated by the educators!

Should there be reasonable suspicion that content and depictions not permissible for minors are present and/or being viewed or exchanged on media, the police will be notified and charges filed.

Educators may confiscate cell phones or other digital storage devices for violations of the in-school media policy. Retained equipment must be picked up in person by parents the following school day. No liability is assumed for this safekeeping.

Outerwear is to be hung on the coat hooks outside the classrooms, with all valuables taken into the classroom. Violations of these stipulations may lead to exclusion of liability or loss of insurance coverage.

4. behavior in the event of an accident/dangerous situation

When the alarm signal sounds, all persons in the building, including visitors, move to the central assembly point in front of the school building. The instructions of the rescue personnel must be followed immediately. Further details are regulated by the object-specific fire protection regulations/hazards.

5. educational and disciplinary measures

At school and in the after-school care center, everyone behaves in such a way that they do not injure or endanger themselves or other persons and do not cause damage to property or nuisance. Every student has the duty to behave in a polite and decent manner towards teachers, educators and other adults as well as fellow students.

In case of violation of the house rules, educational and disciplinary measures can be taken according to SchulG § 39 Abs. 1, 2 be initiated.

This means that the student must expect pedagogical educational measures. Prior to the application of the disciplinary measures specified in the Saxon School Act, these may include, for example, admonishment, reprimand, reworking, entry in the class register, appropriate assessment of performance, conduct, diligence, cooperation and order. In case of violations during after-school care, the educators reserve the right to inform the parents and, if necessary, to pick up the child.

6. visitors and other users of the facility

For visitors and extracurricular users of this educational institution, the house rules apply mutatis mutandis. Visitors must register in the school secretary’s office or in the after-school care center in the afternoons; unannounced visits to the building/outdoor grounds are not permitted. Likewise, bringing dogs and leashing them at the school fence are not permitted.
Advertising and sale of goods are prohibited. Exceptions shall be determined by the School Board in consultation with the School Board and/or the Superintendent.
The same applies to the posting and distribution of posters and advertising material, surveys to obtain information, and collections of any kind.

7. exercise of domiciliary rights

The principal shall exercise domiciliary rights. In the absence of the school principal, this may be delegated to the after-school program director or the school janitor. The requests and instructions of the school staff must be followed without fail.

8. entry into force

The house rules were adopted by the school conference on 14.11.2011 and come into force on 15.11.2011. It is supplemented by the subject room regulations for handicrafts, art, music and the computer usage regulations, the object-specific regulations for fire protection/hazards with an attached emergency plan for occupational crisis situations as well as the hall regulations.

Fundamental changes are only possible with the approval of the school conference. In exceptional and justified cases, the principal, in consultation with the after-school program director, may immediately direct an addition or suspension.