HC Andersen Grundschule
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Sponsoring association

The Hans-Christian-Andersen Elementary School is a lively district school in Sellerhausen with enthusiastic teachers, committed parents, bright children – and very little money. The school management and the parents work together to offer the children, who come from very mixed backgrounds, the best educational opportunities and a varied school day, but with the scarce financial resources, the realization of many projects unfortunately remains impossible.

We have many ideas: greening the schoolyard with a herb garden and learning path, digital learning materials, workshops for children on bullying and racism, projects on cultural education, an expansion of all-day activities and cooperation with Leipzig clubs such as Zirkomania e.V., promoting music among children, integrative and inclusive projects, learning projects on environmental protection and climate change, fresh fruit and vegetables during breaks, and much more.

Especially for children growing up in a difficult social situation, these offers are crucial for the chances of education and social participation. Do you want to help us make the district more colorful and provide a better outlook for the children of our school? Then become a sponsoring member or support our sponsoring association with a one-time monetary donation.

  • Thumbs Up

    Membership application

    Download your application and join the sponsoring association!


  • Chatbubbles


    The current flyer with information in German, Turkish and Arabic


  • Receipt


    The statutes of the sponsoring association, as of 01 July 2021


We have many ideas and are looking forward to more supporters. Feel free to contact us for suggestions, questions or if you would like to support us. We are looking forward to meeting you!

Donation account:
IBAN: DE73 8306 5408 0005 2259 65
Deutsche Skatbank, Schmölln

  • Hannes Welk



  • Steffen Zander



  • Sarah Uhlemann

    deputy Chairman


Förderverein der Hans-Christian-Andersen Schule in Leipzig e.V.
Louis-Fürnberg-Straße 2
04318 Leipzig