Educational games

Anton is a free learning app that allows children to learn from the first grades. All subjects are available, and there are also cool games.
Blinde Kuh
The Blinde Kuh (Blind Cow) is a search engine especially for children, with which you can explore the world of the Internet. Enter your keywords in the search slot or discover many new videos, games, latest news or the random machine against boredom! Let yourself be surprised!

The knowledge quiz for school. Learn for free with more than 80,000 interactive questions for every grade level and subject.
LegaKids offers a free play and learning world around reading, writing and arithmetic. There are many tips and practice options for children with dyslexia, dyscalculia or dyscalculia.

On Antolin, you can answer exciting quiz questions about books you’ve already read, earning points and rewards.
The AMIRA program is a reading support program for beginning readers. It focuses on children learning German as a second language and is available in eight languages.

Mumbro & Zinell
Learn German with Mumbro and Zinell.
Einmaleins has compiled a large number of varied painting tasks to make it easier for students to learn and practice on their own.

Cool Lama
Calculate until the llama farts! Here you can find math online games for elementary school students. They are divided by class and basic arithmetic.